Monday, April 21, 2008

Blah Blah MOndays

Yeah monday this morning I missed the bus. I walk to class during the anouncments sat down then the day started. Me and "19" sit next to each other (I'm using class #s to keep my classmate's confidencallity), he has this little yellow plastic elephant that 13 gave to him I named the elephant Georgeith. Georgeith likes 19 the best then me then 5 and so forth. During reading I made Georgeith a house of paper. On the transfor bus my ex-bf sat with me again, and kept BEGGING for money to buy a pop. Eventually I bought me and my friend 16 a pop, she kept begging me too. Then the bus ride home I sat with my BFF LIZ and then of corse Adam sat with me and Liz (Like he does EVERYDAY!!). He tried to steal my pop then we hid it in LIz's purse!!LOL. Then me and Liz forgot it was in there so I later had to go back and get it, but then I had to go back home because we couldn't hang out today 'cause Liz forgot to tell her mom where she was going yesterday.Now I'm at bored because Liz's dad "Barbie" said to get off the phone!LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL X)


Grandma J said...

Where are you getting all this money to buy yourself and others pop? Love, Mom

Moliqua DIMOND said...

I got the money from "19"